Wednesday, January 29, 2025 / by Ana Baldner
The real estate market is like a pendulum, constantly shifting between favoring sellers or buyers based on factors like interest rates, inventory levels, and economic conditions. For every advantage one side enjoys, the other faces a corresponding challenge. Whether you’re selling, buying, or doing both, understanding the dynamics of the market can help you navigate it effectively. Ultimately, the best time to make a move is when it aligns with your family’s needs and goals.
When the Market Favors Sellers
A “seller’s market” occurs when the demand for homes exceeds the supply. This imbalance often creates ideal conditions for sellers, but it’s not without its challenges.
Pros for Sellers
Higher Home Prices: In a seller’s market, buyers often compete for the limited inventory, driving up home prices. Sellers may receive multiple offers, sometimes well above the asking price, giving them the upper hand in negotiations. This can be particu. ...
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Friday, March 10, 2023 / by Ana Baldner
If you are buying or selling a home, chances are you will come across the term "home appraisal" at some point in the process. A home appraisal is a critical step in the real estate transaction process, as it can have a significant impact on the sale price of a property. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at home appraisals, what they are, and how they work.
What is a Home Appraisal?
A home appraisal is an unbiased estimate of the value of a property. The purpose of a home appraisal is to determine the fair market value of the property, which is the price that a willing buyer would pay and a willing seller would accept in an open market. Home appraisals are typically conducted by licensed and certified appraisers who have extensive knowledge of real estate and local market conditions.
How Does a Home Appraisal Work?
A home appraisal typically involves an inspection of the property, an analysis of comparable properties in the area, and an evaluation of market conditions. The. ...
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cape canaveral, florida living, what to do, cocoa beach real estate, beginner tips, buyer's agent, tips and advice, strategy, buyer tips
Thursday, December 8, 2022 / by Ana Baldner
Listing your home during the holidays may seem counterintuitive. The holidays are a time when work seems to slow down, but this is the reason it’s a smart decision. Listing in December means you have a great shot at selling high and buying low.
People who look for a home during the holidays are more serious buyers. They want to get deals done & fast and are more likely to make serious offers. Since there are fewer houses to choose from now and less competition, that means more money for you.
Houses often show better when decorated for the holidays. Buyers are also more emotional during the holidays and more likely to pay your price. They are looking for a home, and holiday decorations tend to make properties look more welcoming and bright!
Buyers also have more time to look for a home during the holidays. Many people are in town on vacation, take time off work, and finally have extra time to seriously look for their new home or vacation property. Making sure yo ...
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cocoa beach florida, melbourne beach, florida living, what to do, buyer tips, selling during the holidays, selling in december, holiday listing
Monday, June 20, 2022 / by Ana Baldner
You'd do everything you could to get the home you want, right? If you've been searching for a home the last 2 years, you know that you've got competition. One strategy that isn't taken advantage of enough: Backup offers
If a Buyer submits an offer and the Seller chooses another one, I encourage my Buyers to submit a Backup offer. A Backup offer is a bona-fide written offer - terms, pre-approval or proof of funds and all. There is an additional form that notes how long you're willing to be in Backup position. If the seller accepts and signs off then that home is secured for you, should the 1st Buyer fall through. A lot of Buyers say to me, "That probably won't happen though. I'll just resubmit my offer if it comes back on the market." I tell them, DON'T. If you wait for the property to come back on the market, then you're competing with the entire market again. Buyers fall through all the time, especially in a market where ; ...
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